Getting Back To The Business of Blogging

It is said; a coincidence is a gift from above. A seemingly unnecessary delay can result in an important improvement with an idea or project. It was so with the upgrading of both of my books; firstly Chasing Rainbows, and now No More Pain and my Blog.For example, delays in the reprint of Chasing Rainbows, when the publishers went insolvent, afforded a nostalgic section on Amsterdam after my husband and I visited the magnificent Spring gardens-and a few other relevant additions. No More Pain gave me the opportunity to add interesting items to the content and learn more about the organization CANSA and their accomplishments.
The biggest unforeseen delay was caused by a most unwelcome “visitor” while we were on an end-of-winter holiday a few years ago; a difficult-to-diagnose virus which started with a burning, itchy rash on my neck. It calmed somewhat with my hubby’s after-shave cream so I continued enjoying our holiday . It persisted though, and by the time we returned home it had jumped to my legs, luckily beneath the knees! From my Chemist to my G.P. and a dermatologist, but nothing they recommended healed the rash.  Perhaps my immune system was still on holiday because  soon after Christmas the virus attacked the upper veins of my left leg . It was as though the veins were being extracted! The spasms left me weak and afraid to go out where people would be seated as I would cry out with the sudden pain. It baffled my physician too who said it was possibly, a form of Vasculitis. After many months the spasms abated but not altogether. My comfort was my constantly present dogs and my therapy was doing a limited amount of gardening. Concentration on writing, painting or most handwork was well-nigh impossible.
With all the medication tried and tested for it, I had some really weird experiences! Coupled with the trauma mentioned in my stories, fear of that mysterious illness and everyday duties, I would have “thrown in the towel” and just be a quiet little granny, knitting or  crocheting my day away between crossword puzzles and relaxing. But ‘Oh, No way!’ says my daughter -and also my dear I. T. friend Cornell, who thankfully calls herself my writing assistant. Their encouragement and that of other loved ones, boosts my morale!
My Fact/fantasy third book of children’s stories can hopefully now continue. So I shall put my wool aside, pick up my pen- and make contact again with my (quote)vivid imagination!

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