Bea Ellemcy ‘No More Pain’ and ‘Chasing Rainbows’

My computer expert friend and neighbour Cornell, insists that I should do a profile. So, not that I like writing about myself, but as with my two books, I was asked to do something- and I feel I should do it. To know about my somewhat “sketchy” education, you will find that in my book ‘Chasing Rainbows’. I was doing well at a Technical college with Commercial Art, but left to marry a charming, conservative Italian who believed the wife’s career should be ‘housewife’.
Being the youngest in the family, I “escaped” most of what my older siblings had to deal with. (Have you read ’Chasing Rainbows’?)They called me a dreamer and I believe it has not been a bad asset. As with my siblings, God granted us a good sense of humour so, having that and being a dreamer helped with the method in which I formed the story of my second book ‘No more pain’. Although the subject is on the industrial cancer Mesotheleoma, it demonstrates how a family can cope with terminal illness. It is often light-hearted, interspersed with a strong Italian flavuor and informative. Being also something of an artist helped with describing the ‘Introductions’ to the parts of the story. In ‘No More Pain’, you can get to know more about me and my loved ones.

New, “unplanned loved ones” came into my life a few years ago when I threw caution and widowhood to the wind! My husband, also widowed with children, gave me through his experience, an extra chapter for ‘No more Pain’. As a doctor (General Practitioner) wrote after ‘proof reading’ ‘No More Pain’: ‘It is ‘excellent reading!’
 Soon to be published. Shall inform you when is.

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